Interview on Build It Anyway Podcast
I can’t believe January is almost over! We are officially five months from the first inaugural tour, and I am so excited to show you all Tanzania! If you join the mailing list, you are eligible for the 10% discount, so I encourage you to sign up and book ASAP to save your spot. I wanted to share with you today an interview I did with Briana Gilchrist on her podcast, Build It Anyway. Build it Anyway is a podcast that talks to entrepreneurs about their journey of navigating and making their businesses successful. Briana is a successful businesswoman, owner of Lerato Locs Beauty Salon, and seller of holistic products for natural hair or locs. The interview has two parts, with the first part discussing my career journey from college to the corporate world and the decision to start Refracting Africa. The second part is about Refracting Africa and what the tours provide. I really enjoyed myself in the interview, and we talked about more prominent themes of the black diaspora and the experiences of traveling to Africa. I do hope you enjoy it. Check out the links below; you can listen to it on a drive or while doing chores or errands, that’s usually my podcast listening time.