Anza! (Start)

The day has arrived: the Refracting Africa website is officially live! I have been dreaming of this travel business venture for years, and realizing my dreams is exciting.
But let me back up and explain what this company is about. Refracting Africa curates small group community-based tours that foster deep connections to the diverse cultures of Africa and its diaspora. This year, the first tour being rolled out is Miasafara, a historical tour of coastal Tanzania and Zanzibar, plus a wildlife safari trip to Nyerere National Park. We don't hear about this as much in America, but East Africa also had a slave trade like Western Africa, though those enslaved people ended up most likely in the Middle East and Europe. Please take a look at the Miasafara tour itinerary, and if you'd like to book a group tour, we have a tour scheduled for next Summer and Fall of 2025.

You may wonder why I chose Tanzania as my debut tour destination. My best childhood memories are of the family trips to Tanzania as a baby. The sky was always so blue; the people were so friendly, and the fruit tasted like it was just picked from a tree (and at times, it was!). I marveled at my parents' sense of peace when their feet were on Tanzanian soil. As an adult, I still respect Tanzania’s beauty while being aware of the challenges that Tanzania endures post-colonial rule. These issues of inequities explain why my parents emigrated to America. These experiences inspired me to share Tanzania’s beauty with you while acknowledging its complexities in the past and today.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I can't wait to show everyone the beauty of Tanzania,


Interview on Build It Anyway Podcast